Pressed aluminum cookware



Overview of pressed (stamped) aluminum non-stick pan

Pressed (stamped) aluminum non-stick pan is the most common non-stick pan product on the market. It is characterized by low price, convenient use, light weight, easy cleaning and many styles. It is an easy-to-consumable product in daily consumer goods. This type of product has a huge global market scale, most of the production capacity belongs to the middle-end and low-end product positioning, and only a few production capacity belongs to the high-end product positioning.

Pressed (stamped) aluminum non-stick pan products are often used as the selected items for large-volume promotional orders and multinational large supermarket chains. Of course, there are also some brand products. According to different product positioning and sales strategy models, such products can also be manufactured according to different production processes.

Production of conventional pressed (stamped) aluminum non-stick pan:

From aluminum circle/round plate (Pre-induction base or No Pre-induction base), forming, degreasing, sand shooting, spraying, drying, lathing, assembly, packaging, to the final product storage. Each processing link is a relatively traditional manufacturing process. The difference in the level of product quality between factories and factories lies in the detailed control of each link. Some factories can make simple products have the same appearance and functional "temperament" as high-end products, and some factories can only make simple products into simple products, or even make it into a stall.

What are the process details of simple products?

For example, starting from aluminum circle/round plate, there are many things worth studying. Now the commonly used aluminum models are the 3000 series (aluminum-manganese alloy) and the 1000 series of aluminum (pure aluminum). Then, are other series of alloy aluminum materials feasible? What are the areas worthy of further research in terms of heat transfer efficiency and surface moldability? Is it possible to develop a non-stick coating with higher performance starting from the research of the substrate? It is also worth researching futher.

The molding process involves mold development and product design. The larger the article here, the deeper the knowledge. Aluminum pressed (stamped) non-stick pan also involves special-shaped aluminum non-stick pan, and cold extrusion process is a very mature industrial discipline. However, the application of this process in pressed (stamped) aluminum non-stick pan industry is still extremely limited.

Although the degreasing process is relatively simple, is there a better inorganic or organic chemical buffer system that can solve the problem and achieve better results and higher environmental performance? Still be worth researching.

The sand shooting process has serious pollution to the operating environment and is prone to fire and explosion. The automatic sand shooting line of foreign counterparts can complete the processing process in a semi-closed environment, and can better deal with environmental pollution problems. The purpose of the sand shooting process is to increase the surface roughness. What type of aluminum material needs to be processed into a surface with a numerical roughness to meet the maximum performance of which non-stick coating, we think it is another project worth studying.

The spraying and drying process is the top priority of the entire pressed (stamped) aluminum non-stick pan production process, and also the top priority of all non-stick pan products. Not only people who are proficient in equipment, but also those who are proficient in chemical raw materials are needed. Equipment parameters are closely related to the chemical properties of coatings, and the relationship between spraying environment and coating performance is also inseparable. A high-standard non-stick pan factory must have two corresponding departments, one is for equipment debugging, overhaul and maintenance, and the other is for analysis and research on the performance of different coatings. Again, simple products are treated with more professional technology, and the manufactured products must have a different "temperament."

Lathing, assembly, packaging and storage. The process content will not be repeated here. In short, simple processes are treated with more professional technology and scientific management methods, whether from the perspective of products or corporate management, it is a more advanced productivity that is different from other labor-intensive industries.


Production of unconventional pressed(stamped) aluminum non-stick pan:


From aluminum circle/round plate (Pre-induction base or No Pre-induction base), roller coating or curtain coating, drying, molding, silk screen printing, lathing, assembly, packaging, to the final product storage.


Different from the conventional pressed (stamped) aluminum non-stick pan production, the spraying process is changed to roller coating or curtain coating, which can greatly improve the utilization rate of coatings and reduce the pollution of the external environment, facilitate the automation of the entire assembly line, and greatly increase the production capacity. It is suitable for large-volume sales promotion orders and multinational supermarket chain purchase orders with demanding delivery time. The other process links are similar to the production of conventional pressed (stamped) aluminum non-stick pans, so we won't repeat them here.




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